
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.

  • If your research involved human or animal subjects, regardless of funding source, to ascertain that the rights & welfare of subjects are being protected, you certify that you received approval from the appropriate review board. For more information, consult the Office of Research and Sponsored Progam's page on compliance and review boards.

  • The author has identified a current CSU-Pueblo faculty mentor willing to serve as an advisor on the manuscript. Important: Include the full name of the faculty advisor in "Comments to the Editor" (below).

  • The author has obtained all necessary permissions to reproduce third-party images, graphs, figures, or other content.

  • The author has ensured that the submitted document is a Microsoft Word document.

  • The first/corresponding author has provided his/her PID number on the first page of the manuscript.
  • The text adheres to the disciplines formatting, style, and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

  • All parts of the manuscript—abstract, text, list of works cited, list of figure captions, tables, appendices—are included, and pages are numbered consecutively. 

  • Figures and tables are in the correct order, correctly labeled, and included in the list of captions. 

  • Citations as listed in the works cited are correct and complete.

  • Author information is not included anywhere in the manuscript (to allow for blind review). This includes stripping all personal information from file names and removing any information identifying the author in the document and in the document's electronic properties. See

  • The work has original content, and is not solely a literature review.

Author Guidelines

Any CSU Pueblo current student or recent graduate (within the two academic years) attending any university program may submit scholarly, original works for publication.   To this effect: El Rio does not publish literature reviews.  Publications must have original content and make a substantive contribution within their discipline.


Manuscripts must meet all discipline specific requirements for content and citation style. Use the style guide most closely associated with the discipline of submission. Manuscripts must be submitted as Microsoft Word documents.  All tables, figures, graphs, and images should be submitted as supplemental files and clearly and consistently labeled (e.g., "fig. 1"; "fig. 2"). Images should be submitted as high-quality (150 dpi or higher) PNG files.

  • Length
    Manuscripts should be 1,500–4,000 words, not including references, tables, figures, footnotes, and legends.
  • Title and Abstract
    The first page of the manuscript is a title page, with no information about the author, to ensure a blind review. The title of the manuscript should be centered at the top of the page, with the abstract below. The abstract should be no longer than 150 words.

  • Paragraphs and Headings
    Paragraphs should be left-aligned and not indented. Use a double return after each paragraph. All headings should be typed on a separate line above the paragraph text, with no additional spacing before or after the line.

  • Figures
    References to the figures in the text must appear in consecutive order (e.g., fig. 1 is cited before fig. 2). During layout, figures will be placed as soon as possible after their first text reference. A numbered list of figures that includes captions, legends, and credits should be provided at the end of the manuscript text, after the list of works cited.

  • List of works cited
    Sources cited in the manuscript must be listed, including citations for all figures. Entries should be left-aligned and not indented. Use a double return after each entry.


Authors must verify they have obtained appropriate permissions to use third-party images, graphs, or figures. 

Questions about copyright, fair use, and creative commons licensing may be answered on the library website, or by the Scholarly Communications Librarian.


Authors will be asked to provide at least five keywords that describe the content of their manuscript to ensure their article will be discovered through online search engines.


Faculty co-authorship is not required for any manuscript, however, it may be appropriate for certain works. Students should consult with their faculty mentor to discuss whether co-authorship is appropriate and to determine author order. 

Applied and Health Sciences

  • Content: Articles in Applied and Health Sciences may include research in the areas of engineering, exercise science and health promotion, and nursing.
  •  Style: Manuscripts must comply with the APA Style Guide for citations and formatting.

Behavioral Sciences

  • Content: Articles in Behavioral Sciences may include research in the areas of psychology, sociology, and criminology.
  • Style: Manuscripts must comply with the APA Style Guide for citations and formatting.


  • Content: Articles in Humanities may include research in the areas of literature, languages, cultural studies, philosophy, art, and music.
  • Style: Manuscripts must comply with the MLA Style Guide for citations and formatting.

Natural Sciences

  • Content: Articles in Natural Sciences may include research in the areas of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and environmental science.
  • Style: Manuscripts must comply with the ACS Style Guide for citations and formatting.

Social Sciences

  • Content: Articles in Social Sciences may include research in the areas of anthropology, business, history, geography, education, mass communications, political science, and sociology.
  • Style: Manuscripts must comply with the APA Style Guide for citations and formatting.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.